
Duckinson Retriever de la Nouvelle-Ecosse

Retriever de la Nouvelle-Ecosse

CH. Duckinson Playing in the sand

mâle Retriever de la Nouvelle-Ecosse né le 05/12/2019

CH. Duckinson Playing in the sand
Crédit : Thierry Delumeau
Size 51 cm
Weight 20 kg
Nose Pink
Hips A (FCI)
Elbows 0 (FCI)
Eyes and Gonioscopie OK (protocol AFEP/MHOC)
Locus D: D/D (no carrier buff) by génétic test (Wisdom panel)
Locus E: e/e (no sable) by génétic test (Wisdom panel)
PRA-PRCD clear by génétic test (Wisdom panel)
CEA/CH clear by génétic test (Wisdom panel)
DM clear by génétic test (Wisdom panel)
JADD clear by génétic test (UC Davis VGL)
CP1 clear by génétic test  (UC Davis VGL)
CPS clear by génétic test  (UC Davis VGL)
DE clear by génétic test (OFA)
CDDY: N/N by génétic test (UC Davis VGL)
CDMC clear by génétic test (Laboklin)
CLAM: N/N by génétic test (UC Davis VGL)
Congénital cardiac OK - Practitioner (protocol OFA)
Full dentition in scissor with all adult (protocol OFA)
DNA profil 
Macedonia Champion

Informations sur CH. Duckinson Playing in the sand

Puce 250268501874698
Inscrit au LOF ? LOF
Cotation 1 - Confirmé
Statut Disponible pour saillie

Les parents

Palmares de CH. Duckinson Playing in the sand

Macedonia Champion
